Monday, February 21, 2011

Rhett Wilkinson, HASS Senator Campaign Platform

Vote primary elections Tuesday and Wednesday morning, Feb. 22 and 23, and final elections Friday, Feb. 25

Further information of Rhett Wilkinson HASS Senator campaign
Facebook: Rhett HASS
Twitter: gotwilksenator

Good day to everyone, and thank you for logging onto this blog! I appreciate your support of my campaign, and in being interested in my campaign platform. I will hereby present my ideas to revolutionize the College of Humanities and Social Sciences.

#1- Why are we wasting money?! We are already poor as it is, right?
A quarter of all student fees was either not spent or wasted last semester. This was caused by improper foresight of student events, and simply by students not attending the events. For example, last fall B.J. Novak, one of the writers of "The Office," came to campus. The ASUSU Executive Committee projected a sellout, when the auditorium was in fact less than half-full.
   This is a problem that can be easily fixed as responsible members of ASUSU give greater consideration to what students are interested in attending, and how much the actual costs need to be predicted.

#2- Representation, anyone?
As opposed to every other college at USU, the College of HASS has absolutely zero ambassadors. This means that when USU representatives go to high schools and other locations to recruit, anyone who might be interested in majoring in English, history, sociology, journalism, political science, religious studies, social work, etc., etc., will not have any idea what USU has to offer with regards to these fantastic departments.
   Particularly in light of the Caine College of the Arts having split from Humanities and Social Sciences nearly two years ago, there is a desperate need for HASS to be represented outside of campus and especially Cache Valley. As senator, there will be HASS ambassadors when you return to school in the fall.

#3- Scholastic Style
   Let's face it, the Ray B. West building-- you know, the most-south building on campus, just below Old Main and across the quad from the Animal Science building-- is quite old.
   After surveying members of the College of HASS, there has been an overwhelming favor to renovate the building-- you know, keep the heaters from cranking in the summer and the air conditioning to let up in the winter. By making the oft-drafty facility more up to date with that nice, big 'ol College of Agriculture building that is getting constructed just east of the Jon M. Huntsman School of Business Building.

#4- The Few. The Proud. The Minorities.
   With all of the great media we have on campus-- the Utah Statesman and Aggie Radio in particular-- it provides a great voice for many on campus. However, I would like to see the minority groups here at USU have a greater voice through these media. This will encourage a more diverse student body and opinions to allow each of us to learn and grow; we all have so much to learn from each other. I want to know more about other traditions, cultures and beliefs, and the media can provide that for any group whom is willing to express as much.

#5- Don't Stop the Presses!
   Because of state-mandated budget cuts to higher education in Utah, USU included, the administration here in Logan is currently debating what faculty and majors they can cut in order to save money but still maximize the learning experience here. The journalism department is in these discussions. I am motivated to seeing that the freedom of the press continues on this campus. A society without expression and media suffers from ignorance, and we cannot have that. Think about how you found out about 9/11, Hurricane Katrina, or the earthquakes in Haiti just last year.

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